“Faith Lessons From the Holy Land”
Sundays 6:30pm – led by Kendell & Tracy Hale
@ church building - 8501 Tom Watson Parkway, Parkville, MO 64152
Travel to the Holy Lands and experience the Biblical events through the lens of their original settings! This video series “That The World May Know” by Ray Vander Laan will take you to the places where many of the Biblical stories took place. Perfect for visual learners! If our battle cry is “context, context, context!” then let’s explore the cultural context of when the Bible was written together.
“Ready to Launch: Jesus-Centered Parenting in A Child-Centered World”
Sundays 4pm – led by Derrick & Anna Abell (childcare provided)
Grossoehme’s house – 6717 NW Monticello Terr., KC, MO 64152
Based on Psalm 127, Ready to Launch plumbs the wisdom of the Bible about the goals of parenting, the stages of discipline, the role of the church, and strategies to shape the heart toward the gospel. Recommended participant workbook $10.
“Sacred Marriage”
Sundays 6:30pm – led by Charles & Shannon Le Grand
Le Grand’s house – 5320 NW 58th Terrace, KC, MO 64151 (childcare provided)
Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your spouse more. Recommended participant workbook $10.
“Freed-Up Financial Living”
Tuesdays 7pm – led by Jason & Moriah Johnston
Williams’ house – 7401 N. Hickory, KC, MO 64118 (childcare provided)
Participants will explore what the Bible and the culture say about the five financial areas of life (earning, giving, saving, debt, and spending). Practical application is encouraged as we will learn how to implement Biblical principles into our daily financial lives. Participant Workbook $20.
Wednesdays 7pm – led by Mike & Brenda Ellis
Ellis’ house – 3351 NE 45th St., KC, MO 64117
Spend a few weeks studying and practicing some of the most important spiritual disciplines that are discussed in Scripture. Using Don Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life as our outline, we will take a look at “what” and “how” of spiritual disciplines, but also the very important “why” as we seek to grow closer to Christ in our daily lives.
“How To Study The Bible”
Thursdays 7pm (every other week) – led by James & Karla Faughtenberry
Christian’s house – 10412 NW Mirror Lake Dr., Parkville, MO 64152
Using several different resources, including Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods, we will take a look at different approaches to studying God’s Word and will take opportunities to put them into practice! If you have ever had questions about how to read or understand your Bible, this group will help you find answers!