FOG Family,
As your pastors have continued to pray and seek more information from medical experts, local and national authorities, and other area church leaders regarding our current situation with the COVID-19 virus, we have made the decision to cancel our morning worship services tomorrow (3/15). This was a very difficult decision to come to, but we felt that in light of the current circumstances that this is the most wise and loving thing to do to protect our church family and help mitigate the spread of this virus. We love gathering together as a church family each Sunday morning, and while we will all miss seeing each other tomorrow morning, we can take comfort in knowing this is only temporary as we all navigate through these challenging times together.
Instead of gathering tomorrow corporately for worship, we would encourage you to spend sometime worshipping with your families. Spend some time praying – you can find some prayer resources HERE.
We are not making any decisions beyond this weekend, but will keep you up-to-date with plans for future worship services – stay tuned for more information in the coming days.
In regards to our community groups, your community group leaders will be in touch with you about the plans for your specific group during the coming weeks.
These last couple of weeks and days have been very interesting. As our illusion of control has broken down, we have been reminded just how weak and fragile we really are as humans. But we want to encourage you to live as people of hope and peace during this uncertain time. Don’t live in fear. God always has been and is still in control. Be looking for opportunities to share the love of Christ with those around you. Many people will be more aware of their need for the hope and peace of Christ than ever before. Let’s be ready to share the good news of Jesus with them!
We will also be posting a video message from your pastors within the next couple of days, so stay tuned for that!
God Bless,
The FOG Pastors
Michael, John, Derrick & Christopher