
Regathering Guidelines

For at least these first couple of months, our in-person gatherings will look very different, as we want to do our best to keep everyone safe and minimize risk of catching/spreading the coronavirus.  As we have continued to monitor information and data from various sources in our area, we feel comfortable meeting together in-person following the guidelines listed out below.

To watch a video of what your Sunday morning experience will look like, click HERE.

For more details, read below!

Reservations necessary to attend worship services
– Because we have a limited number of seats available for each service, you will need to reserve your seats for the specific service you plan to attend. If both the 9 & 10:30am service are full, we will open up a 3rd worship service at noon to accommodate everyone who wants to attend. 

******* You may reserve your seats by registering HERE! *********

No KidZone Ministry
– Children will need to sit with their families in the worship center during the service.
Masks will be required during 9am service, but optional DURING 10:30am service
– We are asking that everyone wear a mask in and out of the building for both services and that people keep their mask on during the 9am service.  Once you are seated during the 10:30am service, you may take your mask off.
Maintain social distance
– Please refrain from hugging/shaking hands/etc. and maintain at least 6ft of distance from those outside your household; the chairs will be set up in a way that each household is spaced out and socially distant from others.

- All doors will be propped open to limit surface contact from multiple people.
- Restrooms will be available, but doors will be propped open.
- No refreshments will be provided.
- We will not pass an offering plate, but contributions can be dropped off in the Connection Card Box on the wall in the worship corridor. Online giving and standard mail are also other ways to continue giving.
- Ministry teams will be scaled back to limit number of people.
- Church will be thoroughly cleaned each week, with common surfaces and high-traffic areas wiped down between services.

** If you are over 70 years of age or have any pre-existing conditions that put you at greater risk, we would encourage you to check with your doctor to see if it would be wise for you to attend our in-person gatherings in these coming weeks. 

We know that some of these guidelines are inconvenient and cumbersome, but we appreciate your cooperation as we seek to love our church family well by doing our best to take precautions to keep everyone safe.

We also know there are many people in our church who are not comfortable attending in-person gatherings yet for various reasons, and we completely respect that.  Starting in July, we will be showing our entire 10:30am service online on Facebook Live and will hold a weekly Zoom Q&A discussion with the pastors on Tuesday nights at 7pm.
We are not sure how long this next season of our church will last or exactly what the coming months will hold, but we are looking forward to being able to continue to fulfill our mission as a church by “helping you fulfill God’s dream for your life.”  Feel free to invite your unchurched friends and family to participate with you in the coming weeks – just make sure to reserve their seat if they commit to coming!

Your FOG Pastors - Michael, John, Derrick, and Christopher