The Heart of the Father (The Prodigal Son)
Preacher: Michael Porter Series: Parables: Lessons from Jesus Topic: New Testament Scripture: Luke 15:11–32
Pastor Michael walks us through the well-known parable, The Prodigal Son and shows us how it really is more about the heart of the father.
other sermons in this series
Jul 23
The Pharisee and The Tax Collector
Preacher: Michael Porter Scripture: Luke 18:9–14 Series: Parables: Lessons from Jesus
Jul 16
The Workers in the Vineyard
Preacher: Derrick Abell Scripture: Matthew 20:1–16 Series: Parables: Lessons from Jesus
Jul 9
The Wheat and the Weeds
Preacher: Michael Porter Scripture: Matthew 13:24–30, Matthew 13:36–43 Series: Parables: Lessons from Jesus