Mar 23
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
For the first time in my adult life, I have people I can call “friend”. I have honest and true relationships and I’ve learned to tell other men “I love you, brother.” I’m no longer afraid to admit failure, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. But it all started when God taught me to have a relationship with Him first. Everything else flows from my relationship with Him.
Keep ReadingJesus rescued me from myself, and eternal separation from God, and continues to teach me and is patient with me through His great love.
Keep Reading- A conversation between Derrick and Anna Abell, members of Fellowship of Grace DERRICK: My wife and I both grew up in Christian families and came to know Christ in our childhood years. I know my relationship with Christ has not been perfect through the years, but since going off to college, getting married and starting a family
Keep ReadingHello, my name is Kendell Hale and I am a member of Fellowship of Grace in Kansas City. I am a coach at UMKC and have been coaching for 20+ years. I recently emailed a bunch of alumni and ask them to write a “Legacy Letter” to our new freshman players telling about what they enjoyed most about playing collegiate tennis and offering advice as well.
Keep ReadingAs a child I had always attended church with my parents. It was a requirement growing up in our home. But rarely did I ever take anything away from those early Sunday mornings, other than I was missing Sunday morning wrestling...
Keep ReadingWhat does a life of joy truly mean? A life where you never have to worry because you know all your needs will be taken care of. A life full of love, happiness, and wonderful people that care about you. A life where you know what you are meant to do and that you are here for a purpose. You know you were created for a reason.
Keep ReadingOn January 1, 2007, I began my first day as the Associate Pastor of a small inner-city church. Six days later I would be married to an amazing woman. For five years, through pain and tears and unmeasurable joy, we served in the church and committed to be a part of the work God had laid out for us.
Keep ReadingMar 23
Feb 24
Dec 20
Jul 20
Join us starting Sunday, July 24 as we start a short, five-week sermon series titled "The Short Books", where each week we will take a look at one of the "one chapter" books in the Bible.
Nov 22
Join us on Sunday mornings this December as we explore different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.
Oct 8
Aug 30
Join us starting this Sunday, Sept 5 for a three-week sermon series on Biblical Community.
May 10
Join us this Sunday, May 16 as we start a new sermon series through the book of 1 John titled, "That You May Know".
Mar 23
Jan 7
Dec 19
Dec 15
Dec 14
Nov 30
Join us throughout December as we celebrate God’s constant presence in our lives.
Oct 26
Aug 15
Join us on Sunday mornings, starting August 23rd for a series titled "Worship and Wisdom" as we take a look through the Psalms and Proverbs.
Jul 5
Jun 13
Apr 7
Mar 14
Jan 29
Dec 8
Dec 2
Aug 30
Invite your friends and family and join us this fall as we begin this new sermon series through 1 Corinthians title Gospel Unity: The Answer to Confusion.
Apr 4
Join us starting Easter Sunday for a new sermon series titled, This is Love. Invite your unchurched friends and family to join you as well!
Nov 29
Nov 29
Nov 27
As we look forward to Christmas and celebrating the birth of Jesus, what are some ways that our hearts have maybe grown too small? Are there areas in our lives that we need to "enlarge our hearts" and grow? Join us this December as we examine some ways that God can enlarge our hearts during this Christmas season!
It's time! During the month of November, we are using our faces to contribute to the ministry at Parkville Women's Clinic. Specifically, we are using our beards for babies and families.
Oct 26
We are calling this Sunday "Good News Sunday" and would love to share some good news with you in the midst of all the disaster, tragedy, & conflict going on in our world today!
Oct 15
We hope you can join us as we pack and collect shoeboxes for needy children all over the world through Operation Christmas Child. Check the FOGKC app or the Connection Center for more details. Boxes must be turned in by Sunday, November 18. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about generosity!
Apr 20
Mar 14
Join us for our new sermon series starting April 1, EASTER SUNDAY!
Nov 6
We are calling this Sunday "Good News Sunday" and would love to share some good news with you in the midst of all the disaster, tragedy, & conflict going on in our world today!
Join us as we walk through the book of Romans and explore the rich message of the Gospel and how God's grace given to us through faith in Christ really is the foundation for our lives.
Aug 10
We want to do two things with this series. The first, is to answer questions that people who are visiting our church are asking in their minds and hearts about faith in Christ. The second thing we want to accomplish is to answer questions you THINK they are going to ask you so that you are more confident knowing how you ought to answer each person.
Jun 15
For the first time in my adult life, I have people I can call “friend”. I have honest and true relationships and I’ve learned to tell other men “I love you, brother.” I’m no longer afraid to admit failure, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. But it all started when God taught me to have a relationship with Him first. Everything else flows from my relationship with Him.
Mar 23
At Fellowship of Grace, being actively involved in a community group is vital to your spiritual growth and development. Community groups provide an environment for you to “do life together” with other people as you gather each week to discuss God’s Word, share stories, and live on mission together.
Jan 6
We hope this will be a meaningful reminder to you as we look together at the peace and encouragement that Jesus can provide for us in the midst of the unknowns and chaos of life.
Nov 8
This Sunday, we will be joining with churches across the world as we stand together for the fatherless. Each November, thousands of "Orphan Sunday" events will echo across America and around the globe, all sharing a single goal: that God’s great love for the orphan will find echo in our lives as well.
Oct 22
We hope you can join us as we pack and collect shoeboxes for needy children all over the world through Operation Christmas Child. Check The City or the Connection Center for more details. Boxes must be turned in by Sunday, November 20. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about generosity!
Oct 21
Starting on Tuesday, November 1, we will be hosting an FPU class at Fellowship of Grace led by Jason & Moriah Johnston. FPU is a nine-week class that will teach you Dave Ramsey’s seven easy-to-follow baby steps to create a budget, get out of debt, and make a plan for your money! If you are interested in participating in this class or just have some questions about it, please contact Jason or Moriah Johnston at Signup at the Connection Center today!
Sep 8
As we spend the next few months studying the book of James together, we will be challenged to view the way we live our lives from a Biblical perspective.
Aug 10
This is a 4 week sermon series that explores 4 common fears we all face.
One local ministry we partner with is the Parkville Women's Clinic, which serves the community as a pregnancy resource center by providing free pregnancy testing and limited ultrasounds for mothers.
Jesus rescued me from myself, and eternal separation from God, and continues to teach me and is patient with me through His great love.
Jan 18
Nov 16
Check out our 5 week sermon series this fall!
Aug 29
Here are the different community groups that we have meeting this fall.
May 7
- A conversation between Derrick and Anna Abell, members of Fellowship of Grace DERRICK: My wife and I both grew up in Christian families and came to know Christ in our childhood years. I know my relationship with Christ has not been perfect through the years, but since going off to college, getting married and starting a family
May 7
This Mother's Day, May 12, we will take some time during our 10:30am service to dedicate some of the little ones in our church.
Apr 1
Hello, my name is Kendell Hale and I am a member of Fellowship of Grace in Kansas City. I am a coach at UMKC and have been coaching for 20+ years. I recently emailed a bunch of alumni and ask them to write a “Legacy Letter” to our new freshman players telling about what they enjoyed most about playing collegiate tennis and offering advice as well.
Apr 1
On January 1, 2007, I began my first day as the Associate Pastor of a small inner-city church. Six days later I would be married to an amazing woman. For five years, through pain and tears and unmeasurable joy, we served in the church and committed to be a part of the work God had laid out for us.
Apr 1
What does a life of joy truly mean? A life where you never have to worry because you know all your needs will be taken care of. A life full of love, happiness, and wonderful people that care about you. A life where you know what you are meant to do and that you are here for a purpose. You know you were created for a reason.
As a child I had always attended church with my parents. It was a requirement growing up in our home. But rarely did I ever take anything away from those early Sunday mornings, other than I was missing Sunday morning wrestling...